Lord...You created me for a purpose

You created me for a purpose...You created me for a reason...You created me for a cause...You created me for a time SUCH AS THIS...to do Your will...to do what pleases You...to fulfill Your purpose through me...this is my season...this is my time...OH GOD...You created me to be fruitful...You created me to multiply...You created me to replenish the earth...You created me to prosper...You created me to succeed...You created me to make progress...You created me to subdue the earth...You created me to have dominion over the earth...You created me for a purpose...OH GOD...I know You have a plan for me...I know You have a future for me...I know You have an expected end for me...I KNOW YOU HAVE A PURPOSE FOR ME...I JUST KNOW...I JUST KNOW...OH GOD...I am built with purpose...I am purposely built...You built me for a purpose...You built me on purpose...You created me for a purpose...Hallelujah...You built within me purpose...You implanted within me purpose...You placed within me purpose...You filled within me purpose...YOU DESTINED ME FOR PURPOSE...OH GOD...I have a divine purpose in me...I have a divine destiny in me...I have a divine plan in me...I have a divine direction in me...I have a divine course in me...My life is not my own...SO I KNOW...that I have a destiny to fulfill...I have a purpose to fulfill...I have a calling to fulfill...I have a course to fulfill...I will stop wasting time...I have divine work to finish...OH GOD...I've been created to do good works through Christ...I've been created to do great works through Christ...I've been created to do supernatural works through Christ...I've been created for purpose through Christ...OH GOD...there's a reason for my birth...there's a reason why I was born...there's a reason for me being here...there's a reason why You created me...I was born to do great works...I was born to do great things...I WAS BORN FOR A PURPOSE...Oh God...I was born for Your good pleasure...I was born to do Your will...I was born to do those things that pleases You...I was born to be a victor...I was born to be a success...I was born to be a conqueror...I WAS BORN TO DO GREAT WORKS...I WAS BORN TO DO SUPERNATURAL WORKS...I WAS BORN TO BE A VICTOR! IN JESUS NAME! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! HALLELUJAH!
"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 NIV)
“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work. (John 4:34 NIV)
"making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:16 NIV)
Pastor Donnell |