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Declare your season of grace and favor


Oh Lord…I believe…that this is my season...for grace and favor...this is my season...for new open doors...this is my season...to walk into my divine destiny...this is my season...to walk into my divine purpose...this is my season...to reap what I have sown...this is my season...to see the increase of my hands...this is my season...to reap my harvest...this is my season...FOR GRACE AND FAVOR...IN THE NAME OF JESUS

Oh Lord...I believe...that You are opening doors for me...I believe...that this is my season...for grace and favor...that this is my season...to reap what I have sown...that this is my season...to see the increase of my hands...that this is my season...to reap my harvest...that this is my season...for grace and favor...THIS IS MY SEASON...TO REAP WHAT I HAVE SOWN...IN THE NAME OF JESUS

Oh Lord…I believe...that though my beginning was small...my latter end shall be greater...my future shall be greater...my tomorrow shall be greater...all things are turning around for my good...THIS IS MY SEASON FOR GRACE AND FAVOR...THIS IS MY SEASON...TO REAP WHAT I HAVE SOWN...THIS IS MY SEASON FOR INCREASE...MY BEST IS YET TO COME! IN THE NAME OF JESUS! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
Pastor Donnell