on Your Word Lord
OH LORD...Let the words of my mouth...and the meditation of my acceptable in thy sight...let Your Word be what I live by...let Your Word be what I see by...let Your Word be what I speak by...let your Word be what I hear by...because only Your Word will cause me to prosper...only Your Word will cause me to be effective...only Your Word will cause me to be productive...OH LORD...let Your Word be my bread in the bread in the afternoon...and my bread in the evening...IN THE NAME OF JESUS...OH LORD...You are the Vine...I am the I remain in Your Word...and Your Word remains in me...constantly purging me...constantly cleansing me...constantly sanctifying me...constantly renewing my mind...constantly giving me life...constantly giving me strength...I will bring forth much fruit...much increase...much harvest...MUCH RESULTS...because Your words, they are spirit and they are life...OH LORD...I will not live by bread alone, but by every word that preceded from Your mouth...but by every word that comes from Your mouth...because only Your Word functioning in me...operating in me...leading in me...guiding me...directing me...counseling me...working in me...dominating in me and be the driving the force in me...will cause me to prosper...will cause me to be effective in every good work...will cause me to make progress in every good work...will cause me to complete every assignment given to me...and every task handed over to me...OH LORD...I need Your Word in my life to transform my change my give my life give my life give my life direction...OH LORD...I NEED YOUR WORD LIVING AND ACTIVE IN ME...LIVING AND ACTIVE IN MY LIFE...LIVING AND ACTIVE IN MY SITUATION...IN THE NAME OF JESUS...OH I dwell in You...and Your Words dwell in me...I can ask what I will...and it will be done for will be given to me...You will do it for me...You will make it happen for me...because Your Word abides in me and I abide in Your Word...OH LORD...apart from You I can do nothing...apart from Your Word I can do nothing...apart from Your Spirit I can do nothing...apart from Your counsel I can do nothing...apart from Your guidance I can do nothing...OH LORD...I can't do anything without Your Word...I can't succeed without Your Word...I am unfruitful without Your Word...I am empty without Your Word...I am lifeless without Your Word...I am lost without Your Word...I have no direction without Your Word...I can't move forward without Your Word...OH FATHER...I NEED MORE OF YOUR WORD....because You are the Vine...I am the Branch...and as I remain in Your Word...and Your Word remains in me...I will produce much fruit...I will bring forth MUCH INCREASE...MUCH REAPING...MUCH HARVEST...MUCH RESULTS...MUCH VICTORIES...MUCH VICTORIES...MUCH VICTORIES...IN THE NAME OF JESUS! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
"4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. 5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." (John 15:4-5)
"But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man
shall not live by bread alone, but by every word
that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”(Matthew
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